101 Movies to See Before You Grow Up (101 Series)

101 Movies to See Before You Grow Up (101 Series)

B. inggris [05/10]Greeting Card

1. Who sent the card on text 1?
2. Who received the card on text 1?
3. Based on the text 1, why does the sender write the card?

[05/10]Greeting Card

1. Who sent the card on text 1?
2. Who received the card on text 1?
3. Based on the text 1, why does the sender write the card?


Reading Comprehension:

1. Afrizal sent the card on text 1.

2. Lola received the card on text 1.

3. The sender writes the card to congratulate Lola for winning the dancing competition at their school and hopes that Lola can win again in the next competition.


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Reading Comprehesion (pemahaman bacaan) dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Pemahaman bacaan:

1. Afrizal mengirim kartu pada teks 1. (karena nama pengirim dituliskan di akhir kartu ucapan selamat tersebut)

2. Lola menerima kartu pada teks 1. (karena kartu ucapan selamat tersebut ditujukan untuk Lola)

3. Pengirim menulis kartu untuk mengucapkan selamat kepada Lola karena memenangkan kompetisi menari di sekolahnya dan berharap Lola dapat menang lagi di kompetisi berikutnya. (karena kalimat ini terdapat dalam teks pada soal)

Semoga membantu ya.
