101 Movies to See Before You Grow Up (101 Series)

101 Movies to See Before You Grow Up (101 Series)

B. inggris At the Hospital Look at the picture! That is the dr. Soetomo Hospital. There are doctors and nurses. There are patients, too. They stay there because of many kinds of disease such as typhus, malaria, heart attack, diabetes, etc. Last week, I went to the hospital with my mother. My mother checked health. Se saw dr. Jimmy, Mei Lan's father. Mei Lan's father wrote a prescription for my mother and she bought the medicines at the drugstore. We passed mortuary and ICU rooms. The ambulance parked in front of the hospital waiting room, ready to bring the patient. tolong terjemah kan​

At the Hospital Look at the picture! That is the dr. Soetomo Hospital. There are doctors and nurses. There are patients, too. They stay there because of many kinds of disease such as typhus, malaria, heart attack, diabetes, etc. Last week, I went to the hospital with my mother. My mother checked health. Se saw dr. Jimmy, Mei Lan's father. Mei Lan's father wrote a prescription for my mother and she bought the medicines at the drugstore. We passed mortuary and ICU rooms. The ambulance parked in front of the hospital waiting room, ready to bring the patient. tolong terjemah kan​


Di Rumah Sakit Lihat gambar! Itu dr. RSUD Soetomo. Ada dokter dan perawat. Ada pasien juga. Mereka tinggal di sana karena berbagai macam penyakit seperti tifus, malaria, serangan jantung, diabetes, dll. Minggu lalu, saya pergi ke rumah sakit bersama ibu saya. Ibu saya memeriksakan kesehatan. Kami melihat dr. Jimmy, ayah Mei Lan. Ayah Mei Lan menulis resep untuk ibu saya dan dia membeli obat-obatan di apotek. Kami melewati kamar mayat dan kamar ICU. Ambulans diparkir di depan ruang tunggu rumah sakit, siap untuk membawa pasien.


Sorry kalau salah

Di Rumah Sakit Lihat gambar! Itu dr. RSUD Soetomo. Ada dokter dan perawat. Ada pasien juga. Mereka tinggal di sana karena berbagai macam penyakit seperti tifus, malaria, serangan jantung, diabetes, dll. Minggu lalu, saya pergi ke rumah sakit bersama ibu saya. Ibu saya memeriksakan kesehatan. Se melihat dr. Jimmy, ayah Mei Lan. Ayah Mei Lan menulis resep untuk ibu saya dan dia membeli obat-obatan di toko obat. Kami melewati kamar mayat dan kamar ICU. Ambulans diparkir di depan ruang tunggu rumah sakit, siap untuk membawa pasien.

semoga membantu
